Horoscopul zilei
Cultura generala
Un copil a creat o imprimanta braille din piese LEGO.
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De ce atunci cand canta Ray Charles se leagana stanga-dreapta?
Sa nu se loveasca de Steve Wonder care se leagana inainte-inapoi.
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![Ghid Dungeons & Dragons Mythic Odysseys of Theros](http://www.redgoblin.ro/82695/ghid-dungeons-dragons-mythic-odysseys-of-theros.jpg)
home : Chestii distractive : Spanzuratoarea
Imi pare rau, ai fost spanzurat!!!
Cuvantul era "RECHIZITORIU"
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Shop Clopotel.ro
![Ghid Dungeons & Dragons Mythic Odysseys of Theros](http://www.redgoblin.ro/82695/ghid-dungeons-dragons-mythic-odysseys-of-theros.jpg)
Evenimentele zilei
7 februarie 1971
Femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia
La 7 februarie 1971 femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia.