Horoscopul zilei
Cultura generala
"Rock around the clock", hit al lui Bill Haley (1927-1981), a devenit imnul rock'n'roll-ului.
› vrei mai multBancul zilei
I: De ce are elefantul coada?
R: Ca sa nu se termine brusc.
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![Magic the Gathering Ikoria Lair of Behemoths Theme Booster Green](http://www.redgoblin.ro/79627/magic-the-gathering-ikoria-lair-of-behemoths-theme-booster-green.jpg)
home : Chestii distractive : Spanzuratoarea
Imi pare rau, ai fost spanzurat!!!
Cuvantul era "RECHIZITORIU"
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![Magic the Gathering Ikoria Lair of Behemoths Theme Booster Green](http://www.redgoblin.ro/79627/magic-the-gathering-ikoria-lair-of-behemoths-theme-booster-green.jpg)
Evenimentele zilei
7 februarie 1971
Femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia
La 7 februarie 1971 femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia.