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![The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Assault on Osgiliath](http://www.redgoblin.ro/57848/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-card-game-assault-on-osgiliath.jpg)
home : Chestii distractive : Spanzuratoarea
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Cuvantul era "VALIDITATEA"
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Shop Clopotel.ro
![The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Assault on Osgiliath](http://www.redgoblin.ro/57848/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-card-game-assault-on-osgiliath.jpg)
Evenimentele zilei
7 februarie 1971
Femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia
La 7 februarie 1971 femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia.