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-Pai,intre mine si el sunt 11 fratzi
Shop Clopotel.ro
![Jucarie de plus, Play by Play, PB the pot bellied Pig, Gasca Animalutelor, 24 cm](https://noriel.ro/media/catalog/product/8/4/8410779106247_pl20973p_001_pb_the_pot_bellied_pig_gasca_animalutelor_24_cm.jpg)
home : Chestii distractive : Spanzuratoarea
RE_ H_ _ _ TOR_ U
Imi pare rau, ai fost spanzurat!!!
Cuvantul era "RECHIZITORIU"
Joaca din nou.
Shop Clopotel.ro
![Jucarie de plus, Play by Play, PB the pot bellied Pig, Gasca Animalutelor, 24 cm](https://noriel.ro/media/catalog/product/8/4/8410779106247_pl20973p_001_pb_the_pot_bellied_pig_gasca_animalutelor_24_cm.jpg)
Evenimentele zilei
7 februarie 1971
Femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia
La 7 februarie 1971 femeile isi castiga dreptul la vot in Elvetia.